Thursday 8 August 2013

Memorial Service for Dr John Maitland

On Saturday 10 August a memorial service was held in the St Francis Chapel, Makerere

for Dr John Maitland, the founder of UDS who passed away in November last year.  The service was led by the most Rev Stanley Ntagali the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda and attended by trustees and staff as well as officials from Kamuli. 

The Doctor, as he was affectionately known by many,  was a visionary.  From his time spent in Uganda in the 60s and 70s he recognised that lack of access to information and training prevented many people from escaping poverty. He dreamt of an informed society, free from poverty which UDS in Kamuli is working hard to achieve. 

Dr Paul Kiwanuka, UDS Board Member paid the following tribute

"John's life was remarkable and inspiring. Not only because of all he achieved but also because of the faith he had in God, his gracious belief in people and their potential and the ability to hold on to the fact that it can and will be done."

Click here to see pictures from the event.  The national newspaper New Vision ran an article prior to the service which can be read here and follow this link to another New Vision article published in 2005 when John "retired".  

The quote  that "Maitland will never retire from the hearts of those he touched, encouraged, and walked with." is  more poignant now that he is sadly no longer with us.  His contribution towards changing the lives of the people of Kamuli will never be forgotten.